Selected Publications
Villarino NW, Hamed YMF, Ghosh B, Dubin AE, Lewis AH, Odem MA, Loud MC, Wang Y, Servin-Vences MR, Patapoutian A, Marshall KL (2023) Labeling PIEZO2 activity in the peripheral nervous system. Neuron.
Ma S, Dubin AE, Romero LO, Loud M, Salazar A, Chu S, Klier N, Masri S, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Chesler AT, Wilkinson KA, Vásquez V, Marshall KL, Patapoutian A. Excessive mechanotransduction in sensory neurons causes joint contractures. Science. 2023 Jan 13;379(6628):201-206. PMID: 36634173
Marshall KL, Saade D, Ghitani G, Coombs AM, Szczot M, Keller J, Ogata T, Daou I, Stowers LT, Bonnemann CG, Chesler AT, Patapoutian A. (2020) PIEZO2 in sensory neurons and urothelial cells coordinates urination. Nature. 588(7837):290-295. PMID: 33057202
Zeng W, Marshall KL, Min S, Daou I, Chapleau MW, Abboud FM, Liberles SD, Patapoutian A. (2018) PIEZOs mediate neuronal sensing of blood pressure and the baroreceptor reflex. Science. 362(6413):464-467. PMID: 30361375
Murthy S.E., Loud M.C., Daou I., Marshall K.L., Schwaller F., Kühnemund J., Francisco A.G., Keenan W.T., Dubin A.E., Lewin G.R., Patapoutian A. (2018) The mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo2 mediates sensitivity to mechanical pain in mice. Science Translational Medicine. 10(462). PMID:30305457
Marshall, K.L*., Clary, R.C.*, Baba, Y., Orlowsky, R.L., Gerling, G.J., Lumpkin, E.A. (2016) Touch receptors undergo rapid remodeling in healthy skin. Cell Reports. 17(7):1719-1727. PMID: 27829143 *co-first authorship
Marshall, K.L., Chadha, M., DeSouza, L.A., Sterbing-D’Angelo, S.J., Moss, C.F., Lumpkin, E.A. (2015) Somatosensory substrates of flight control in bats. Cell Reports. 11(6): 851-858. PMID: 25937277 [cover art]
Maksimovic, S., Nakatani, M., Baba, Y., Nelson, A.M., Marshall, K.L., Wellnitz, S.A., Firozi, P., Woo, S.H., Ranade, S., Patapoutian, A., Lumpkin, E.A. (2014) Epidermal Merkel cells are mechanosensory cells that tune mammalian touch receptors. Nature. 509(7502):617-621 PMID: 24717432
Lesniak, D.R.*, Marshall, K.L.*, Wellnitz, S.A., Jenkins, B.A., Baba, Y., Rasband, M.N., Gerling, G.J., Lumpkin, E.A. (2014) Computation identifies structural features that govern neuronal firing properties in slowly adapting touch receptors. Elife. 2014;3:e01488 PMID: 24448409 *co-first authorship
Reviews & Commentary
Hamed, Y.M.F., Ghosh, B, Marshall, K.L. (2024) PIEZO Ion channels: Force sensors of the interoceptive nervous system. J Physiol. PMID: 38456626 doi: 10.1113/JP284077.
Marshall K.L., Patapoutian A. (2020) Getting a grip on touch receptors. Science. 368(6497):1311-1312. PMID: 32554582 [Commentary]